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CCS Component Professional
Running a component business is not easy, it requires extremely careful monitoring of purchasing, selling and in many instances timing of exchange rate is also a critical factor in every deal. CCS Component-Pro is determined to make the most optimised decision and control by providing critical transaction information.

Inventory control for component industries requires back-To-back order support to eliminate repeat key-ins. Unit cost at 6 digital decimal precision to ensure the most accurate unit cost in other currencies such as USD and Japanese Yen, booking. Multiple purchasing to match into a sales order and fully integrated to accounting and sales performance.
  • Daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly exchange rate to ensure currencies fluctuation
  • Back-to-back order saving hundred of hours of key stokes
  • Multiple purchasing to match with sales order and project costing
  • Automatic calculation of gain and loss in exchange difference
  • Production lot tracking

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